
Do you know your nails are the base to look flawless? 

We have a say in Haitian creole, “ depi zong ou pa fet ou pap bel” meaning you could have the cutest outfits if your nails are not done you won’t look the part. 

Well, it is not only a Haitian saying. It’s universal knowledge, and even if you are not into long or shape or design nails, having a clean manicure is the beginning of your look. 

When I say nails, I mean manicures and pedicures; they are also a way to show your personality, style, and taste and express yourself. 

My nails game has changed many times over the year. One thing for sure I will never forget is when I got my first acrylic set on Flatbush avenue for fifteen dollars and had designed green and grey lines; at first, at was skeptical; seventeen years old and fresh out of the island, having a design on nails on my manicure was I am never heard of; this type of manicure was almost none existent in Haiti, of course, I was talking nearly two decades ago. 

The nice old gentleman, kindly asked if I was sure I wanted something so simple, I was amazed at “simple” what does he mean, very simple,  it was a new door opening for me, and I loved it; it might seem simple to him or any other kid in my high school to me it was a revolution and introduction to a new type of Art expression that was new to me. 

Even when I moved back to Haiti and the Dominican Republic, I had long acrylic nails and colorful nail polish; yes, I had seen a glimpse at my hand many times ( like if she is was rocking this flashy neon green at the meeting), or people asked me, young lady, how you do this and that with such long nails, and funny things they were not even that long, they were medium long, in accordance to time I was not getting the appropriate colors and shape or had the right length. 

Nothing against short natural nails; I had an incalculable gel manicure, and simple short nails because I wanted to. Whether you want long, short, or medium one thing for sure slay your fresh set and express yourself at the moment

Do you change time to time your nail game and if yes? Why is the reason? Is it because of your profession, kids or because you just not into it. 

Let me know down in the comment below 

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog post


A. J 


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