
Using social media as my day job

2022, I spent a considerable amount of time on social media, more time than I should have, honestly. Why? Now that I am behind it all I could determine it was utilized as an escape mechanism. Emotionally the year was a roller coaster of emotions, I was bombarded with stress, in my personal life, at work, and in school, I…
New York City
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Black History Month resolutions and more…

We are already five days into black history month, and 2023 is proven to be a fast-track year with more reason to steep on our year resolutions. Every day the more I learn about our history the more fascinated and motivated I become, there are so many geniuses, heroes and influential Black men and women left unheard and under the…
New York City
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Are writers under attack? 

One of my favorite daily routines consists of reading the New York Times. I subscribed sometime last year, and I honestly think this is one of the best of my subscription investments.  I was scrolling through the New York Times page when I stumbled upon an article “ Did a fourth grader write this? Or the new chatbot”. The title…
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How to behave in a public place

If you are a Fashion enthousiaste or have been interested in la mode, there is no better location to be than New York City in the next coming two to three weeks. La crème de la crème of the luxury brands will be in attendance also the public is here to impress and be seen.  If you are in the…
New York City
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How to be confident in public

As we are one month away from New York Fashion 2023-week AKA the highest level of Fashion meets, confidence is a key to navigating the sea of “I’m here and I am seen”. Your confidence can be shaken by something as simple as a look or no look at all, over the years being the victim of my worst anxieties…
New York City
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