
Are we adopting a more conventional fashion trend? 

2023 has started on a different note fashionably parlant, we started with an attitude of resilience to face the uncertainty, well fairly speaking we did not know if we were to be back into quarantine to a new virus or whether we will have to face foreign adversaries mete sou li, all this traumatic news coverage has developed a lot of…
New York City
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Five items to keep in your purse New York City Edition

New York City has its own lifestyle, yes you are probably thinking this is for every city, nonetheless there is something a little different about NYC, you have to be prepared for your survival skills; do not take me wrong I am not saying this is Zombieland, my explanation is based on how a few gadgets ,tools and principles can…
New York City
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Five life guidance for your twenties 

The twenties, ahh what a time, you are at the age where if a person’s opinion is opposite to your belief, you either rebuke it entirely, or you decide to proceed with the exact contrary of what your thought process decide is the correct way.  Life is a lesson, and your twenties is the decade to make mistakes. Do not…
New York City
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Brands from XXS to 3X clothing sizes you should know 

The plus-size market was and is always present, we were always looking and desired to be able to take the commute or scroll online to find our outfits in stores and brands we like everyone else.  Over the last few years, more inclusivity, and appearances in magazines, runway shows, and campaigns have embraced plus-size audiences, even dough we are at…
New York City
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The handbags to spend your coins on

Brandon Blackwood  Brandon Blackwood’s consistency for the past years has sealed the brand’s notoriety. The vision consists of a fresh, unique, and diverse style. Each collection is exceptional, and Brandon Blackwood’s campaign brings anticipation of the newness. The team has its target audience on lock, and the price point feels like a steal and Christmas special all wrapped in one. …
New York City
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