
Intentional actions for mid-summer 

Officially mid-summer and we have to start doing intentional actions from now on, to remember this eventful of a year it is certainly one for the books, we have witnessed so much lately that it takes a major bombastic side eye to surprise our society or to send shock waves nowadays, which is very detrimental to a normal healthy lifestyle. …
New York City
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Are we threading? 

Not ashamed here to state, since the beginning of this worldwide technological dominance and the evolution of tools and apps of our modern society, this is an unprecedented manner for me to have my footprint right in time with the other 70 million other users that sign up within less than a week to be part of the new social…
New York City
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Are we adopting a more conventional fashion trend? 

2023 has started on a different note fashionably parlant, we started with an attitude of resilience to face the uncertainty, well fairly speaking we did not know if we were to be back into quarantine to a new virus or whether we will have to face foreign adversaries mete sou li, all this traumatic news coverage has developed a lot of…
New York City
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Five items to keep in your purse New York City Edition

New York City has its own lifestyle, yes you are probably thinking this is for every city, nonetheless there is something a little different about NYC, you have to be prepared for your survival skills; do not take me wrong I am not saying this is Zombieland, my explanation is based on how a few gadgets ,tools and principles can…
New York City
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Five life guidance for your twenties 

The twenties, ahh what a time, you are at the age where if a person’s opinion is opposite to your belief, you either rebuke it entirely, or you decide to proceed with the exact contrary of what your thought process decide is the correct way.  Life is a lesson, and your twenties is the decade to make mistakes. Do not…
New York City
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